The charts below display the ages at which polio was contracted for the 3933 polio survivors currently living in Australia who have recorded their details on the Australian Polio Register to date. The data is updated as new registrations are recorded online. Note that 34 people of the total registered do not know exactly when they contracted polio – these survivors are included below in the age zero figures.

Worldwide Australia Overseas



Australia - Range of ages at which polio contracted (0 to 34 years)


Overseas - Range of ages at which polio contracted (0 to 45 years)

Worldwide - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

Australia NSW Qld SA Tas Vic WA ACT NT

Australia - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

New South Wales - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

Queensland - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

South Australia - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

Tasmania - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

Victoria - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

Western Australia - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

Australian Capital Territory - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

Northern Territory - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

Overseas Africa Asia Europe UK Middle East N America Oceania S America At Sea

Overseas - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

Africa - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

Asia - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

Europe - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

United Kingdom - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

Middle East - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

North America - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

Oceania - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

South America - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade

At Sea - ages at which polio contracted, per half decade