Australian Polio Register – Entries Ordered by Maiden Name
For those 1453 female polio survivors who have disclosed a maiden name and given permission for their polio details to be published, this page displays the Australian Polio Register sorted by maiden name.
Choose a menu option above to re-display the Register sorted by different criteria: family name, given names, birth year, year in which polio contracted, age at which polio contracted, or location where polio contracted.
If you spot any error or omission in your details below, please contact us to have your entry corrected (in this case, please don’t simply complete a second Register Form as this invalidates the statistics).
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jean DUFTONABBOTT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1925
Polio Year: 1926
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: England –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Glenda Ellen BIGNELLABEL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1953
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Marlborough
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rosalie Anne SIMSABRAHAM Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Bega
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynette Joy MCALONEYABRAHAMS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1961
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 22 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: Malaysia – RAAF Base Butterworth
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Denise FOSTERACTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1942
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Botany
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marilyn Anne JONESADAMS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Launceston
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elizabeth Jill RIESADAMS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Cessnock
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marjorie WALTONADAMS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1930
Polio Year: 1933
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Maffra
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marie Jean WESTADCOCK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1933
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Concord West
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynda SHAWADDY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1955
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Ghana, West Africa –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Nancy Carman MUSGROVEADMAS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1939
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Port Pirie South
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Ika LUPTONADNAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1954
Polio Year: 1957
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Indonesia – Bandung, West Java
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Betty Jean REINBOTHAHRNS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1955
Polio Year: 1965
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Jabuck
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Heather Lorraine SHIRLEYAIKEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Hobart
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara Jean RUSHTONAITCHESON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Mt Ousley, Wollongong
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valerie Margaret BOUNDSAITKEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1947
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Swindon, Wiltshire
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judith Ann LARFIELDALDERMAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Chinchilla
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valerie May BROWNALLAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 15 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Horsham
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Monica CAMERONALLCOCK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1925
Polio Year: 1927
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: UK – Manchester
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rosemary Knight DAYALLEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Gilberton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynette BENTLEYAMBLER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Gardiner, Glen Iris
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jacqueline Fay YOUNGANDERS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1934
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 19 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Julie Ann DANIELSENANDERSEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1956
Polio Year: 1960
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Doveton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lindy Maree FITZPATRICKANDERSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1954
Polio Year: 1961
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Robyn Ann McLACHLANANDERSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Inverell
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judith Nell ALCOCKANDREWS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Malvern East
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valda HEATHANDREWS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1934
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Brighton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patience (Patsy) POLSONANDREWS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1933
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Ormond
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joy Doris Mary WILLISANDREWS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1923
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 23 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Lily COLLINSANGEL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Cohuna
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jeannette Kaye THOMSONANGEL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Avon
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Merle Jennifer KARPINARANDALE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Port Kembla
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Johanna Mary GOODALLARANYOS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1960
Polio Year: 1962
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Kensington Park
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lois Nancy NEWMANARCHDEACON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1942
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Nedlands
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Nancye Irene ROLFEARMOUR Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Drummoyne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elyn NEXOARMSTRONG Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Ireland – Enniscorthy
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Christine EDWARDSARNEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elaine Annette SMITHARNOLD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Warracknabeal
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Trina May LAMBERTARTHUR Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: – Brighton South Australia
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Ronda Ruth SANDERSARTHUR Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Bendigo
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Mary Emily KARKOCHAASCIAK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Waterloo
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jessie May SHARPASHCROFT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1927
Polio Year: 1929
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Mt Gravatt
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): June Elizabeth STUBBSASKEW Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1944
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Maroubra Beach
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Phyllis Mona DWYERASPLAND Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1933
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Young
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Cherith Annette WEISASTBURY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Geham
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Sherri Lee PHILPATKINSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1973
Polio Year: 1974
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Ingham
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara PALMERAULD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Cassilis
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Carolyn Joy SUMMERSAUSTEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Eastlakes
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Fay Lorraine HULMEAUSTIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Myalla
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jean Mary YULLAYERS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 19 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Ipswich, Suffolk
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marjory Diana GELENCSERAYLIFFE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Port Pirie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Doris HERNINGAZZOPARDI Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Malabar - La Peruse
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lorraine Jeanette COLLIERBACHELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Auburn
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Deborah PROSSER BAFFSKYBAFFSKY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Bondi
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): June Alison HARRISBAGLIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1934
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 15 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Essendon, Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jody BIBBYBAGNATO Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1936
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Carlton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judith Lynette ENTWISTLEBAGULEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Pascoe Vale South
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valmai Jean SMITHBAHL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1934
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Ararat
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Ann HICKLINGBAILEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1947
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Port Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Ann FARLEYBAILLIE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Lindfield
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Peggy Rosalind HODGSONBAIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 14 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Perth
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): June BASTIANBAINBRIDGE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1941
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Perth
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Ann-Mason FURMAGEBAKER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: United States of America – Arlington
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Anne KENNARDBAKER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1953
Polio Year: 1961
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Beecroft
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Sue Ellen SANDLANTBAKES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Hamilton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elizabeth Valerie ANDERSONBALKE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Warwick
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara Dorothy VARDANEGABALLARD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1942
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Coolah
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Maria Cristina HUNTERBARBA Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1959
Polio Year: 1960
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: Philippines – Manila
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Susan Viviene SARGISONBARFIELD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Archway, London
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Karen Frances BAKERBARNETT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1953
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Marjory CRAWFORDBARR Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1934
Polio Year: 1942
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Mulwala
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Vicki KRENNBARRENGER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Helen Mavis STOCKBARRETT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Plympton Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Jean HOGANBARTLETT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 18 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Gundagai
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Mary Therese WESTBROOKBARTLETT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Catherine Patricia ROBERTSONBATEMAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Oatley
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynette Katherine SCHNEIDERBATES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Ryde
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Mary Elizabeth IRELANDBATTLE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Bulahdelah
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rachel CONSTABLEBAWDEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Reid River, via Townsville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Pauline Mary MCKEEBEACH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1957
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Worcester
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lorraine Pamela HARTLEYBEALE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales Australia – Brighton-Le-Sands
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Daphne Winifred MIDDLETONBEASLEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Chinchilla District
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Doris Irene MORANBECK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1921
Polio Year: 1922
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Hendra, Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Suzanne Lesley TURTONBEGBIE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Wangi Wangi
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judith Maree DRAKEBELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Colac
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Francis Paton (aka) Zacura HANELBELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1959
Polio Year: 1960
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Mt Isa
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Yvonne Frances LANDOWBELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara Lynne ELLISBELSCHNER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 21 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Killara
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Daphne Janet BARRETTBERRY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 16 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Lorinna
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Peggy GARLANDBESSELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1928
Polio Year: 1930
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Hobart
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Robyn Anne GRIFFITHSBEST Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Neutral Bay
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Naomi Ethel STIRLINGBETTISON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 20 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Perth
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dalice Faye DALTONBETTS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Thornbury
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jillian Florence MARRIOTTBETTS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Bowraville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Joan COOPERBEX Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Kenton, Devon
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Esther Barbara SMARTBEYELER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Switzerland – Bern
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Heather Rae BENTONBICKNELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1956
Polio Year: 1958
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Hazelmere
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Robynne Patricia CLIFTONBIDEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lorraine Stitt STITTBIERTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 16 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Dalby
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Alison GNIELBIGNILL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Wollongong
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dawn Natalie OSBORNEBILLINGER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Mile End
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Anne O'HALLORANBINGHAM Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Concord West
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): June Madge MCGUINNESSBINNEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Port Pirie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Audrey SIMMONDSBINNS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1926
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 24 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: – Gymea, New South Wales
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Joan ABSOLOMBISHOP Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Richmond
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Doreen May BEASMOREBISHOP Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Winnaleah
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lola June ANDERSONBLACK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Wilston
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley Irene BURNSBLACK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Eltham
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Carol DOUGLASBLACK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Newcastle
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Heather Fay HUBERTBLAKELEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Wynnum North
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elizabeth Robyn LOCKLEYBLANE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Cessnock
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dorothy Anne (Christine) BELL-BOOTHBLENHEIM Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1947
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Mount Gravatt, Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara Ann KINGSTONBLUNDY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Preston
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judith Elizabeth LOLLBACKBOLAND Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1965
Polio Year: 1966
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Woodburn
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Millivia MORDECAIBOLMANAC Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1957
Polio Year: 1958
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Susan Ruth WEBSTERBONAMY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Ashfield
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Victoria Deane ATKINBOND Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Hampton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lesley Gaye BYRNEBONHAM Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sydenham
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Thea THOMPSONBOOTES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1930
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 14 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Rose Bay
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marie ANDREWSBOOTH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1933
Polio Year: 1939
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Kyogle
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rosemary HISLOPBOOTH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Belmont
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Roslyn Anne KELLNERBOOTH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marilyn SCOTTBORDER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Ultimo, Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marisa SAMPIERIBORDON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1954
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Italy –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jacoba Adriana HAYESBOTHA Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1959
Polio Year: 1961
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: South Africa – Johannesburg
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Carol Lynette MEMBREYBOTTING Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Cheryl Ette KERRBOURKE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Yallourn
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Susan MAYERHOFERBOURNE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1957
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 16 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Vaucluse
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lorraine Emily NORTHEASTBOWYER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Woodville, Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elizabeth Mary PARKERBRADSHAW Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Toowoomba
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Alma Elsie HARNATHBRAIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1924
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Beulah
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia SYMONSBRAIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Beulah
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marjorie Murray CARTHENBRAMMER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1926
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Goodwood, Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lesley PITTMANBRASSINGTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales Australia – Yagoona
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joy Margaret POGSONBRAYSHAW Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Cheryl Joy MCDONALDBREAKWELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Richmond
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dorothy WALLACEBRERETON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Highett
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jacqueline Anne NICHOLSONBRICKEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Egypt – Port Said
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Mavis Jean SHEARERBRIDGES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1926
Polio Year: 1932
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Wendy BIRDBRIGGS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1953
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Lane Cove
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Frances Elizabeth PITTBROAD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Pyramid Hill
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley Jean BARNETTBROADWAY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judith Joan BRYSONBROMLEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Berowra
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dorothy Lillian DUCKBROOKER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 17 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Maitland
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Laurene Ann YOUNGBROOKS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Currie, King Island
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Myra BRIGGSBROWN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Ilkeston,
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janeece BROOKMANBROWN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Mildura
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jenny GREENBROWN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Felling
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elaine HUGGARDBROWN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Regents Park
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara Shirley LITTLEBROWN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Murray Bridge
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Roslyn Anne MITCHELLBROWN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Wagga Wagge
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Royleen PYMBLEBROWN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 18 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Hunters Hill
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Yvette Faye REEABROWN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Norwood
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Yvette Faye REESBROWN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Norwood
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Helen Margaret TRACYBROWN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1958
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 16 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Papua New Guinea – Lae
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Louise COXBROWN-Bill Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Alexandria
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Peta Roberta (Bobbie) FINDLAYBROWNER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Riverton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Sandra WATSONBRUCE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1959
Polio Year: 1961
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Betty OATESBRUNKER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1936
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Hay
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marjorie Jill CONNORSBRUSHABER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 16 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Penrith
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Diane Margaret GOEDHEERBRUTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Colonel Light Gardens
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Frances Jean (Jeannie) BENNETTBRYANT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Peak Hill
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Clare Jean CRIPPSBRYANT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Avoca Beach
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elizabeth Alexandra WILSONBRYANT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elizabeth Ann DEASYBUCHANAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1961
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 21 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kim MITCHELLBUDDEKE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1964
Polio Year: 1974
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – St Marys
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Edith VISCIGLIOBUEGE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Kilbuen
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Susan Jennifer POTTSBULL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: England –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rosemary BROWNBULLOCK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – South Hobart
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Benita Elizabeth BRUTNALLBURGE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1934
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 16 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Holbrook
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Raelene Joan DRAHEIMBURGESS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Port Pirie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Narelle Mary PEARSEBURKE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1959
Polio Year: 1960
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Fairfield, Brisbane,
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Ursula MAHONEYBURNS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Box Hill South
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judith Ann SOLOMONBURNSIDE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Woy Woy
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Bronwyn THOMSONBURROWS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Wentworth
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Mauriel Florence VAREABUSCH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 16 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Bairnsdale
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janet RAMSDEN-STEELEBUTEL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1947
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Wakefield, Yorkshire
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Felicia RASOBUTERA Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1954
Polio Year: 1960
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Fitzroy
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elizabeth Maree BUCKLANDBUTLER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1955
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Redcliffe
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Linda Adele MACDONNELLBUTLER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1953
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Africa – Johannesburg
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan Margaret RACKHAMBUTLER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1928
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 20 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Caulfield
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kay Lorraine JAKOBBYE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Moe
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kerri Ann WRENCHBYE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1960
Polio Year: 1963
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Bourke
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elaine Edith GRIMSONBYRNE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Five Dock
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Mary MERCERBYRNE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Gympie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan OWENSBYRNE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1942
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Ireland – Dublin
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kathleen Lynette WATSONBYRNE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Dandenong
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lorraine Gwennth WOODSBYSOUTH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Red Cliffs
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Julia BURCHAMBYWATERS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1930
Polio Year: 1936
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Busselton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jill Atkins FREEMANCABLES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Devonport
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Betsy Anne CONTICAHILL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales Australia –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Denise Olivia FITZGERALDCAHOON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Brunswick
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Michele NOTTCAINS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1943
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Edgecliff
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Ann Caroline SHANLEYCALVERT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1953
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Myrtleford
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Glennys Margaret WATERSCALWELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1927
Polio Year: 1929
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Ararat
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Heather Margaret DUGGANCAMERON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Chudleigh
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dorothy BASNETTCAMPBELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 25 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New Zealand –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Christine Marguerite ROBERTSCAMPBELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Kyle Bay
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Anna Bernardette MURPHYCAPRIOLI Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Italy –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Georgina CRANSTONCARDWELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1941
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Northern Ireland – County Armagh
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynette Merilyn ROBERTSONCARLESS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – East Victoria Park
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lesley Margaret RUSSOCARLOW Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Oatley
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Gloria Kay PURSSELLCARMODY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Annerley
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Giovanna (Jan) SANDONACAROLLE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Tarrawanna
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Helen Louise COPPINGCARPENTER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Broken Hill
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Lindsay HEADCARTER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: Scotland – Dunfermline
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Denise SMARTCARWARDINE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Wollongong
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Angela Mary HALPINCASEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Pascoe Vale South
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Nancie Josephine SWANCASTELLO Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1923
Polio Year: 1935
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Lake Cargelligo
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Grace JAMESCATCHPOLE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1933
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Yallourn
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Suzanne Grace BOWERSCATHER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1953
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Heather MURRAYCATLIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Baulkham Hills
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Robyn Annette FULLERCAUGHEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Welshpool
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Robyn Christine THOMSONCAVANAGH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Hornsby
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley Lorraine STEPHENSONCAYGILL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Warragul
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lea Margaret SMITHCHAFFER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Glenelg
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Gladys CURRANCHALLMAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1921
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 27 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Wangaratta
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Nola GRANTCHANT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 18 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Leeton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dianne Irene FRANKLINCHASELING Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Kingaroy
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Bronwyn Jo-Ann BOYDCHINNERY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1963
Polio Year: 1968
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Bunbury
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Alma Rachel MCINTYRECHURCH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – St James
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Simone FRASERCLAESSENS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: South Africa –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Violet BUTLERCLARE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1913
Polio Year: 1916
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Surry Hills
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dorothy ALLDISCLARK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Ormond
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan PATCHCLARK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 14 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Casino
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kathleen STEELECLARK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1919
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 31 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Toronto
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Ann TAYLORCLARK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1961
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 19 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Devonport
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marie FULLERCLARKE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Nambour
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Gloria Gay ROWECLARKE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – West Midland (now named Woodbridge)
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Tina DEMETRICLEARY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Tiptree, Essex
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Georgina Ann VICKCLEVELAND Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Highett
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Claire WALSHCLIFFORD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Singapore – Singapore
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret WALKERCLOUGH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Apollo Bay
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Hilary Mary Myvanwy EMERYCLUTTERBUCK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1958
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 18 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Jamaica – Kingston
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elizabeth BROADBENTCOATS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Scotland UK – Dollar
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Miriam Eleanor MCCUTCHEONCOCKS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Hampton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): (Margaret) Maggie MCLEANCOE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1955
Polio Year: 1957
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: England – London
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Suzann Margaret SHUTTLEWORTHCOLE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Dubbo
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Deborah Ann KHANCOLEMAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1957
Polio Year: 1959
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Bondi Junction
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Ann Betty MARTYNCOLEMAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1939
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Wiluna
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Ruby Florence LOWRIECOLLEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1933
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 19 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – South Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jennifer Rosemary COLLIERCOLLINS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1968
Polio Year: 1970
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Papua New Guinea – Goroka
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Maureen Elizabeth GRANTCOMMONS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Hopetoun
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Faye HEATHCONGDON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – North Perth
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marion Elaine JONESCONIBEAR Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Wellington
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Ann BESSCONWAY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Glen Iris/Malvern, Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara Lois FINLAYCOOK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1930
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 19 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Penshurst
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Avis Eileen GRANTCOOK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Fitzroy
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Beverley June LANGTIPCOOK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Bexley
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Sherrill MUIRCOOP Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1959
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Sandringham
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Gwendoline (Gwen) May ADAMCOOPER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria Australia – Ballarat
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Sharon ARNETTCOOPER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1959
Polio Year: 1962
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Fitzroy
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marilyn Helene EDWARDSCOOPER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Mandurah
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valda Joy KELLYCOOPER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Junee / Wagga
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan Marie RADANOVICCOOPER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Revesby
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Maureen Judith WRIGHTCOOPER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Sandringham
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Alexa Ann FOALECORNEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1957
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Waterhouse
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Anne GRAHAMCORNISH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Auburn
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marjorie CANNINGCOSTELLO Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Lorraine LINESCOTTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 18 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Ascot Park
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Loretta Veras Frances SARSONCOTTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Mavis Edna ASHTONCOWARD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1930
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 21 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Katandra West
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan May DUNNCOWIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Nambucca Heads
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan Martha ELLIOTTCOX Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1930
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Ormond
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): June Wendy PANTONCOX Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1933
Polio Year: 1936
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Namibia – Walvis
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marianne TREVITTCOX Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Artarmon
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Mary MACKENZIECRABTREE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Murwillumbah
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Keren McCULLAGHCRADDOCK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Tanzania – Tabora
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lola Philomena ARBLASTERCRANSTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Fairfield
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Ruth GIBBSCRAWFORD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Concord North
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Lorne TUDDENHAMCREATI Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Ballarat
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Betsey Valerie PIKECREE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1927
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 25 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Concord West
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Cynara Ysabel PREEDYCRIDGE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1942
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Perenjori
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Heather CHETTLECRITCHLEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Turramurra
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Frances Hilda WOODCROFTS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1927
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Orbost
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Carmel Margaret DAHLCROMBIE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Albion, Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jeane Evelyn PRYORCROMPTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 20 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Launceston West
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Maureen Teresa FURSTCRONIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1926
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 25 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Jamestown
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara Joy ELLEWAYCROOK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Berri
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara Mary GILLESPIECROSS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: England – London
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judith Dianne AYTONCROSSIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Montagu Bay
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Helen Ruth DUTTONCROW Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Caulfield South
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kathrine Ann JOHNSCROWLEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Yarraman
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Colleen P SENDONCROWLEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Yarraman
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kathrine Ann SOMERVILLECROWLEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Nanango
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Constance Helen POOLMANCROXON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Coonamble
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Ella Mary GAFFNEYCRUZ Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1957
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Mudgee
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valerie Margaret MCEACHERNCUDDY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Arncliffe
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Kathleen BROWNCUFF Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1941
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Maidenhead
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Gwen Mary PRITCHARDCULLEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Erskineville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Edwina THOMASCUMBE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Singapore – Singapore
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Angela Maria PIUCCOCUNICO Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1944
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley Carmel SANDRALCURRAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 20 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Corowa
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Eileen Janet Claire BOWERCURTIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales Australia – Woolara, Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dorothy Kathleen Ellen ELDRIDGECUTHBERT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1927
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 27 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Leckhampton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Karina Margaret DOYLEDAHLSTROM Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1957
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 20 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Perth
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Moya June ADAMSDAKIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 17 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Wahroonga
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rosetta Rina CECCHINDAL SANTO Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Carlton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan Elizabeth RUDDICKDALLOW Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Brandon
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Muriel Brenda MCEWINDANIEL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1927
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Warramboo, Eyre Peninsula
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Alix Joan RAINNIEDANIELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1927
Polio Year: 1928
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jill Veronica QUINLANDANIELS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Rockhampton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Wendy STAFFORDDARLING Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New Zealand – Dunedin
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan MOOREDAUGHTY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1926
Polio Year: 1931
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Merlynston
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Susanne Victoria STRATFORD-PEARNDAVEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Townsville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Beverley Jean FOLLINGTONDAVIDSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Upper Hunter/Denman
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Maureen Jane SWINBOURNDAVIDSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 15 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Caversham
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rosemary CROUCHDAVIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1941
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Castlerton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Wilson GRIGGSDAVIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Dover
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Mary Lynn Young LYNNDAVIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: United States of America – Marion, North Carolina
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Annette Joy MARSHDAVIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Hampton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Doreen Emelia WESTERDUINDAVIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1923
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 23 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Perth
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Julie Dawn SPENCERDAWES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Mt Bryan
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Denise Irene JENKINSDAWS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Eudunda
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): June Veronica MAHONYDAWSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Lithgow
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Robyn BOURKEDAY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Annandale
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valerie Elizabeth NICHOLLSDAY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Wauchope
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Mary DE MESTRE-ALLENDE MESTRE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Hartford/Crewe, Cheshire
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judith FARRARDEAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Mosman
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Maryan Pauline MCGOWNDEAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1960
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Maryborough
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley READEDEAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1926
Polio Year: 1936
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Middleton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Julia ENNOR-JONESDEEGAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – West Ryde
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Nancy Dora BRANSDENDELANEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Burnie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Robin Gaye SOCCOLDELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Launceston
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marilyn Kaye REESDELLAR Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Kalgoorlie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Melva Constance THOMPSONDENNING Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Bellevue Hill
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Merrell Jill MARTINDENNINGS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1957
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Mitchelton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janet Margaret BENNETTSDENTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1961
Polio Year: 1961
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Robin Lynette WARDDERRIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Stockton, Newcastle
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marie-Noelle TOWERS-HAMMONDDESFOSSES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Mauritius – Rose-Hill
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Ann FEATHERSTONEDEVEREUX Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1935
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Mosman
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan Gladwyn SHEAFFEDEVINE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 15 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Lismore
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joy ADERMANNDEVONSHIRE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 15 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Toowoomba
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Erica Young YOUNGDICKSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland Australia – Townsville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Ernene Deidri SMEDLEY FORMERLY PRASSERDILLON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Greenslopes, Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynnette Fay CAREYDISHER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1961
Polio Year: 1968
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Bowral
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Wilma Jennifer RYMERDIXON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Noble Park
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jillian Ann DARKODOLLIVER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1958
Polio Year: 1961
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Chigwell
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Pauline Mary KINNANEDOMINICK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1930
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 24 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Australian Capital Territory – Canberra
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Susan Mary SIMMONSDONAGHUE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Manildra
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Merlene Frances AIREYDONALD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1954
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New Zealand – Hamilton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): June Marie CRAWFORDDONNELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan Lorraine SMITHDONNELLY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Beryl Janice YOUNGDONOGHUE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Ballandean
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley Patricia ROACHDOPPER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 18 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Scarborough
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Johanne Mary GALEADORAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1953
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Chelsea
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marion Gladys KOSSECKDORRINGTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Chingford, Essex
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judith BAKERDOUGHERTY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Australia – Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Doreen Susan ADKINSDOUGLAS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1947
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Warrington, Cheshire
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Phyllis Joyce CRITCHLEYDOUGLAS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Ramsgate
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Suzanne WAREDOVER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1947
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Brighton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lorraine Marie STEVENSDOWS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Toora
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Alma Joyce RUTHERFORDDOWSETT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan Thelma CLARKEDOWSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1927
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 29 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Gnowangerup
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Aileen HARRINGTONDOYLE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 18 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Largs Bay
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jennifer Anne RAKAUSKASDRABSCH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1933
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 16 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Wattle Park, Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley Francis WHITEDRADY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Lyndhurst
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judith Anne MUNRODRAPER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Yan Yean
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Gail MCKENDRICKDREDGE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Fairfield
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Julie KESSLERDRIVER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1957
Polio Year: 1958
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Burnley, Lancashire
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Anne Margaret NOONANDRYDEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Margaret River
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Mary Teresa LANDERSDUFFY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1933
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Iron Knob
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Maureen Patricia PIKEDUFFY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1947
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: United Kingdom – Bromley Kent
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan Patricia MCKINLAYDUNCAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Beryl Joyce ROYALDUNCAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1932
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Smoky Cape
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Sandra Kay BUTTERYDUNN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janice Margaret CUNNINGHAMDUNN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1942
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Eileen Emilie DUNSTANDURRAND Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1940
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Birkenhead
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): MaryAnne Elizabeth HAINESDURRELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Bev MAYTOMDURSTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Wangi Wangi
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Heather Jean TEMPLEDWYER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Dudley Park, Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia EVANSDYER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1944
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: India – Bangalore
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jennifer Mary DOUGLASEARL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Jerilderie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Muriel Elsie HEXTELLEARL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Oatley
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Helen Marie HOELZL-PHILLIPSEATHER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 15 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Grafton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Robin Janice STIRLINGEDGAR Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales Australia – Wentworthville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elizabeth Mary MILLSEDMONDSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Floreat
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lorraine Kay PARKEREDMONDSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Pingelly
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Margaret PRITCHARDEDWARDS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Hope Valley
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joy Lorraine RYANEDWARDS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Castlemaine
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janet Lorraine WILLIAMSEDWARDS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1953
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Beachport
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Cheryle MARSHALLEGAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Parkes
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Helen Mary PROUSEEGAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1941
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – West Brunswick
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Anne Elizabeth WALSHEGAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Como, Perth
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynne Doreen RICHARDSONEGGLETON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Caringbah
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Gwendolyn Ruth ADAMSEIPPER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Woolooma
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Gayle Leona HENNESSYELDER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Coburg
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Susanne MUNNELLEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1958
Polio Year: 1959
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Greensborough
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Melva June TURNERELLICE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1939
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Footscray
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kathleen Mary FEBEYELLIOTT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1928
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 24 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Sheffield
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judith Anne MALLONELLIOTT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 14 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Goulburn
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Christine Joan WILLIAMSELLIOTT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Geelong
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret HATHERLYELLIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1930
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 21 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Camden
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Denise Janet JONESELLIS / NUTT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1959
Polio Year: 1960
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Plumstead, London
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Heather Darlene BOLSTLERENGSTROM Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Canada – Edmonton, Alberta
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Edna Lucille YAPENRIQUEZ Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Philippines –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Karen Lee BEGLEYESLICK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Wallsend
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): June PARSONSESLICK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Orange
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judith Lorraine CHAFFEYEVANS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Rosebud
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Phyllis Dianne HANSENEVANS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Betty BEEKHUYZENFAANANA Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1966
Polio Year: 1967
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New Zealand –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret MERCERFACEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1940
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Trinity Gardens, Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janet Raye GRIFFITHFAGG Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Lindisfarne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Cynthia BARRFAIRHURST Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Tallangatta
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan MOBEYFAIRLEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1926
Polio Year: 1929
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Croydon
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Antoinette MEEHANFALZON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1954
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Libya – Tripoli
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jocelyn MANDERFARGIE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1934
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Wycheproof
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Maureyn BREESFARNAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 15 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Hartwell
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Olwyn Rhonda BLANCHFIELDFAULKS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1962
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Tamworth
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Doreen Brenda JOHNSONFAWCETT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1930
Polio Year: 1933
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Mittagong
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Anne KEWINFAWCETT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 16 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Manly
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Maureen Monica LEEFAY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1933
Polio Year: 1936
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Ascot Vale
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Katharine Joan IRWINFENTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1947
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Hull, East Yorkshire
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Wendy Anne RUSSELL FENWICK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Revesby
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Mabel Elizabeth POWELLFERGUSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1933
Polio Year: 1934
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Newcastle
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Beverley May TREVASKISFERGUSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1957
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Guildford
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rosalind Elizabeth CLEMENTSFERGUSON-SMITH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Cottesloe
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Josephine MADISONFERGUSSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Goolwa
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Winsome JAMESFERRETT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Port Macquarie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Suzanne Kaye FERRISFEWSTER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Maryborough
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marlene Kaye NITSCHKEFIEGERT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Monteith
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elsie Juanita WELLINGSFINDLAY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New Zealand – Kaitaia
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jane Margaret Percy CHILDSFINNIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1914
Polio Year: 1942
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Medindie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Allison Lynn UNWINFISCHMANN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – East Preston, Melbourne,
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Adrienne Marjorie HUDDLESTOWFISHER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1921
Polio Year: 1929
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Tallangatta
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley Kitty LONGFISHER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1936
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Brunswick
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara Georgina SALMONDFISHER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Perth
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lauren Elsie WILSONFISHER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Geelong
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Nola June DUNBARFITZROY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Concord
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Denysse Margaret JARVIS-CARTERFITZSIMMONS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Broken Hill
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Clare Elsie SUNTERFLANAGAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Mascot
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janet Yvonne MAHYUDDINFLOTTMANN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Griffith
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan Catherine CUSHINGFLYNN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Waubra
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valerie Joy MILLERFLYNN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Hurstville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Ingrid Helga BAKERFOELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1958
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 14 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Germany – Reutlingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Catherine Mary PILEFOLEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Double Bay
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley Ann HOPKINSFORD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Werribee
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rhonda Laurel JACKSONFORD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Rosewater Gardens
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Tara MITCHELLFOREMAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1980
Polio Year: 1982
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia Australia – Mount Magnet
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Sheila KINGFORSTICK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1933
Polio Year: 1934
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Isle Of Wight
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Maria (Mary) PAULAZZOFOSCARINI Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Griffith
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Frances Christina HICKSFOWLER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Kalgoorlie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Leslie Ann MITCHELLFOWLER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Wonthaggi
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Kay SHEAHANFOWLER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Woodville Gardens
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Mary Dawn MONSENFOX (COLEMAN) Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Peterhead
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Natividad MASSINAFRAGO Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Philippines – Manila
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Carol Jean HARPERFRANCIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Dover
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret PERKINSFRANCIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Zimbabwe – Bulawayo
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Suzanne MACKENZIEFREAKES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New Zealand – Auckland
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Sharyn Marie SAVILLEFREE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Arncliffe
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Mary-Ann PENGILLYFREEMAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1972
Polio Year: 1972
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: India –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kaye Mignon MCDONALDFRIEND Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Mitcham
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Gloria Dawn Hester BRAYFRISBY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1939
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Mile End
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Heather MAURICE-JONESFRISBY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Clarendon
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan Mary EVANSFRY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1934
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Ararat
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Roselyn Florence FRASERFRY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – South Yarra
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kathleen Cherryl SHANNONFULLSTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Fremantle
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Justine Joy ROSEFURLONG Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1942
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Summer Hill
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janet Roberta LONGMOREFURNER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Bathurst
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valerie Mae JARIUSGADSBY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Red Hill
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Ursula ROSSGADZIEWICZ Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Greta
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Daisy Laura OWENGALE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Pakistan – Karachi
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Pat VIRGULTIGAMBLE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Summer Hill, Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Maureen Joan KOWALICKGAMBLING Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1934
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Barmera
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Brigid DAVISGARDINER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: India – India
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Christine Ann LAINGGARDINER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1933
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 15 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New Zealand – Auckland
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Alam PEMBERGARLICK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1924
Polio Year: 1926
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Kalgoorlie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Betty Joyce FOSTERGARMENT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1927
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 28 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Narrabeen
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jan Patricia WHYTEGEIKIE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Wee Waa
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Caterina MARAFIOTIGIANNOTTI Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Italy – Italy
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Maree Ellen JAENKEGIBSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1960
Polio Year: 1962
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Not Known
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Stephanie Robin BERRYGILCHRIST Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jennifer Robin M ROBERTSONGILLAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 14 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – St Peters
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynda Margaret WHITEWAYGILLARD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1957
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Battersea, London
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janice HOWELLSGILLEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Merrylands
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynette Eveline Mary TINGAYGILLICK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Box Hill
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Caroline Claire PHILLIPSGILLOTT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 14 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Australian Capital Territory – Canberra
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kaye Gwendoline CRAWFORDGINGELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Caulfield, Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Pamela Adele KUNGGINN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Willoughby
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valerie FULLERGLEESON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1928
Polio Year: 1931
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Jindivick
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Beverley May GARRARDGLOVITCH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Thornbury
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judith Mary McMahon TEMPLERGLYNN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 19 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marina Nora D'ENTRECASTEAUXGODER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1956
Polio Year: 1959
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Mauritius –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Ann Maree WOELLERGOGGINS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Ashgrove
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Maria Janetta MAYERSGOMES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Unknown
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jay MADDENGOODALL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Weston
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janet Thelma LEWISGOODRICK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Preston
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Roma Claire GATERGOODSELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Nowra
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Cheryl Helen WIERCINSKIGOOLEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Port Pirie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rosemary BARRONGOREY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Barham
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Beverley Margaret MACFARLANEGOSSLING Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judy STEPHENSGOUGH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1955
Polio Year: 1960
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New Zealand –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Katherine Patricia WOOLHOUSEGOUGH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1944
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Fremantle
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Mary Ann EDWARDSGOULD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New Zealand – Auckland
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Sylvia May LATHAMGOULD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Randwick
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Catherine ELLEMGOWER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1959
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 14 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Coffs Harbour
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lillian Ceceline ROSSGRACE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1930
Polio Year: 1960
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 30 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Milperra
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Carroll PARKESGRAHAM Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Picnic Point
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynette Anne PLUMMERGRAHAM Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – South Perth
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Christine Helen CRAWFORD GRAPES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1953
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Bunbury
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valda Jean HIGGINSGRAYSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1927
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 21 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Agnes SCIBERRASGRECH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: Malta – Sliema
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara May CUNNINGHAMGREEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1947
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: England –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Paulina Henrieta GRAYGREEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New Zealand – Wellington
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Una Ann HAMPSONGREEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1947
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Dodworth
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dawn Mavis SIBARYGREEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Hurstville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Mavis Maud ROSSWELLGREENAWAY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1924
Polio Year: 1932
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – South Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dianne Vickie DELAMEREGREENFIELD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Peterborough
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lesley Thelma ORMERODGREENHALGH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1958
Polio Year: 1961
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Grandville, Maryborough
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Cheryl BRISTOWGREGG / WILLIAMS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1953
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Meanderra
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jennifer Eileen GLASGOWGRICE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Albury
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley J SPRYGRIFFIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1927
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 21 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Oakleigh
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Doris Lorraine MITCHELLGRIFFITH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 16 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria Australia – Hamilton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Norma Joan WEATHERALLGRIMISON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Lithgow
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Brenda MCDONALDGRINYER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sussex Inlet
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elizabeth Grace DOECKEGRISWOOD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Frewville, Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Yvette Michele READEGRISWOOD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1955
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Frewville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Peggy Anne WATZEKGROSSER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1947
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Leederville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Angela Yolande HALSEGROSSO Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1939
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: England – London
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Daphne Erica ROBERTSONGUARD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1928
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 26 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Southern Rhodesia – Bulawayo
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Doris Elsa LADEMANNGUENTHER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1939
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Germany – Tilsit (Sovijetsk)
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Doris Lillian GARRETTGUILLERME Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1927
Polio Year: 1933
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Balwyn
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Helen Elizabeth BREENGULLIVER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Harbord
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Pamela Ann KIMBLEGUYOT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Wagga Wagga
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Meredith Beverley NEUMANNHABBARD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Cottesloe
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marie Therese PHILLIPSHAGART Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Sandringham
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judith Dana ORFORDHAGON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – West Ryde
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Sandra Kaye BRADTBERGHAGSTROM / WEBB Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Doris Myrtle STEVENSHAINES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1928
Polio Year: 1934
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Bayswater
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joy LESTERHAISMAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1927
Polio Year: 1940
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Sholing, Southampton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marie DAVIDSONHALL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Telita
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret PHILPOTTHALL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1936
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – East Bentleigh, Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Veronica Jean CORBETTHALLEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Tarraleah
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Desma June SWIFTHALLINAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1943
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Peak Hill
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Pauline Patricia HENNEKEHHAMMOND Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1943
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Africa – Kitwe Northern Rhodesia
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Deidre Dorothy BUTTSWORTHHANDLEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 20 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Goondiwindi
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kay MILLSHANDSAKER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Australia – Newcastle
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Nermeen Linda SEDRAHANNA Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1970
Polio Year: 1972
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Egypt – Cairo
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kerry Lynn COUROUZOSHANNAH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Belmore
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judith Grace HIATTHANNS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1930
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Double Bay
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lorna DANISEWITSCHHANSSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1917
Polio Year: 1922
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara Faith EDGEHARBUTT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – St Georges Basin
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kaye Lorraine BIRDHARDER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Millicent
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Christine Helen LINESHARDING Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Waitara
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valerie Claire VELLACOTTHARDING Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 19 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Boonah
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Mary YOULLHARDING Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1924
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 27 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Epping
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Norah NYMAN HARDWICK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: England –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Thora Patricia KNEPPELHARDY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1936
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Carlton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Christine Ann ALLTHARKNESS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: England – York
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jill DEANHARLOW Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Milsons Point, Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Karen Lynley HAWKINSHARPER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New Zealand – Dunedin, New Zealand
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Merrillyn Royce COLEHARRIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Ringwood
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Robyn Suzanne DELANEYHARRIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1947
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Como
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Davina GIBBHARRIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1963
Polio Year: 1964
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Cannon Hill
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Maxine Elizabeth MCOWNHARRIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Bethanga via Wodonga
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jillian Beatrice STODDARTHARRIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Ringwood
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Robyn Joan AULMANNHARRISON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Wallacia
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Robyn HOVELLHARRISON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Floreat Park
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Gloria Jean MONAGHANHARRISON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1947
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Cloncurry
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Hazel Jean PYKEHARRISON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Pomborneit
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Stella Iris NEWALLHARTLE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Eastville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Helen COXHARVEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1928
Polio Year: 1944
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 16 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Fiona Catherine STRICHENHARVEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rhonda Jean TAYLORHARVEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1933
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 18 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dawn BEAUMONT-STEVENSHARWIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – South Coast
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret MOLLOYHASFORTH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valerie PEARSONHASLOP Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Lowestoft, Suffolk
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rosemary Anne PLANTHASTINGS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: Not Known
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Mildura
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Ruth Alice SMITHHATTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1922
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 28 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sans Souci
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Pamela Joy MCDONALDHAWKINS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1947
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Dandenong
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Hazel WINTERHAWORTH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1942
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: England –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kathryn Jenny PURSEHAWTER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1968
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 21 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Perth
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margarette Rose FREEMANHAY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 17 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Rosewater
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Helen HENRYHAYNES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 19 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Little Bay
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley ARMSTRONGHAYWARD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1934
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 18 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Piangil
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley June TOZERHAZZARD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1953
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Earlwood
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valerie Joan BEZZANTHEAZLEWOOD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Hagley
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Susan Mary MCADIEHEENAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1958
Polio Year: 1960
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Dunolly
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Wilma BALDWINHEINRICHSEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Brunswick
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara Frances WILLIAMSHEMING Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1926
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 23 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Canada – Toronto, Ontario
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lillian Claire BOWERYHEMPEL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1930
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 21 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Albury
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marilyn Lesley GRIMMEHENDERSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Toora
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Robyn MCMAHONHENDERSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marion Elise AKERSHENRY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Mount Dandenong
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Gwendolyn Margaret DEWISHENRY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Townsville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Norma Anne MACKENZIEHEPNER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Geelong
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan HEMINGWAYHEPWORTH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Yorkshire
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valerie Gwyneth MACLACHLANHERMISTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Deniliquin
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Julie Margaret ROBBINSHERRING Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Birrong
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margo Francis ASHTONHESTER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Port Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lorraine Fran HEWETT-PROESCHHEWETT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Parkside
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Doprothea (known as Michele) Hassard CAREYHEWLETT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Not Known
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley Suzanne HODGSONHEYDON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Wagga Wagga
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Nanette MORELHEYNEMANN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Unknown
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Eleanor CONWELLHICKEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1960
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 28 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Arncliffe, Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jill Patricia BAUERHICKS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1955
Polio Year: 1957
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Ruislip, Middlesex
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Sheila COWANHICKS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Chiswick
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Gail HASSALLHICKS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Glenelg
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kaylene Joy MORONEYHILL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Port Augusta
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Stefania A TREGURTHAHILL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1939
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Newport
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rhonda Dawn JESSUPHINDES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Perth
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Ailsa PRIDDEYHINTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Carmel Shani ATKINSONHIPKISS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Mt Eliza
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Monica Lorraine SAVILLEHISCOCK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Junee
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Sheryl Ann CONNORHITCHINGS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Irrewarra
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Marion MOOREHOARE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 18 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Tarraleah
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dorothy May MCINALLYHODGES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1934
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 15 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Hazel Jean RAEHODGKIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Mitta Mitta
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janine Marie MCDONALDHODSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1954
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Warrandyte
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Helen Edna POULTONHOFFMANN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Toowoomba
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Merle Elizabeth BAHRHOHRMANN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1934
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 18 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Kangaroo Point
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Newman Caroline RUSSELLHOLAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1962
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 23 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Australian Capital Territory – Canberra
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Ann HAYNESHOLDEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Dundas
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynne Marie TAITHOLLIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1960
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Caringbah
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elaine Violet SAXONHOLM Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Billinudgel
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Wendy Elizabeth SMITHHOLMAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1963
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 21 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Boxhill/Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elizabeth BURNEHOLMES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Scone
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Evelyn GOULDHOLMES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1925
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 19 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan Margaret HEARDHOLMES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1935
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Terang
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Wendy Jill PIROZZIHOLSWICH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Lindfield
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jennifer Robin BROCKHOLYHEAD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janet Elizabeth BRENNANHOOD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Barham
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janice Anne DAITHOOD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1954
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Parramatta
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Mary Reid DAVIESHOOD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Yarraville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kerry-Ann KLEINHOOGVELT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1955
Polio Year: 1959
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Maroubra
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara TREVISANHOSKING Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Dimboola
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan PARTINGTONHOULDSWORTH-MOOGAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: UK –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Virginia FRENCHHOUSE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – St Kilda
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rosemary Dawn BAUDINETTEHOWARD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Lakes Entrance
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janice Elizabeth REILEYHOWARD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Victoria Park
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Wendy Elizabeth SMITHHOWARD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Bellerive
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janet Frances TARIHOWARD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 14 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Allora
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Catherine WILLIAMSONHOWDEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Wakefield
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jennifer Anne WNUKHOYSTED Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Scarborough
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elaine Louisa WILSONHUFF Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – St Morris, Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joyce RATCLIFFEHUMPHRIES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Diamond Creek
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Catherine Gay (Cate) MCMURRAYHUNT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Lindfield, Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynette Cecelia CIZAUSKASHURDLE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Goondiwindi
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): June Hope BROWNHUTCHINGS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1944
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Auburn
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Norma ADAMSHUTCHISON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1930
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Avoca
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valerie Elaine BODELHUTCHISON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Launceston
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara Joan BURNETTHUTH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Gayndah
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Gwendolyn Anne SKINNERHUTH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Cracow
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Julie Ann AUSTINHYDE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1960
Polio Year: 1961
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Wellington
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dorothy CONNELLYILES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Neutral Bay
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valerie TASSELLINGHAM Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Yvonne Margaret FLOYDINGLIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 14 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Moonah
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joyce Mary HAYINGLIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Hobart
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Mary WHITEINGLIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1934
Polio Year: 1936
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Brunswick
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara Joan BOROMEOINNES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Caulfield, Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Charene Dorothy GREENHOWIVES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1954
Polio Year: 1961
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Inala
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elaine Florence ALLISONIVORY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – East Brunswick
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rosemary Anne Henderson BUCHMANJACKSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Grange
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dianne Rhonda INGRAMJACKSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: Not Known
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dorothy Kathleen LOWEJACKSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1922
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 15 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Helen Christine SPRYJACKSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – West Croydon
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Eleanor Denise VASSJACOB Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1930
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 19 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Hobart
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elizabeth Mary GIBSONJAMES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Townsville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kathleen Anne JOHNSONJAMIESON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1961
Polio Year: 1962
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Campsie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Gwendolyn Mary ARTHURJARVIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Peterborough
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Ruth GREENTREEJEFFARES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1954
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New Zealand – Stratford, Taranaki
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Josephine Armorel CASTLEJEFFREY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Mosman
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elsie Scott IVARSSONJEFFREY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Annandale
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dorothy ROBINSONJENKINS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Pinjarra
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jil ROCKLIFFJENNINGS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Devonport
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Grethe MIKKELSENJENSEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1944
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Denmark – Brondby Oster (Glostrup)
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lenore Margaret STOCKTONJENSEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – St Lucia, Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Helen Christine TAITJENSEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Kalgoorlie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Constance Isabel RUSSOJERONE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1933
Polio Year: 1943
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Kulara
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Grace Flora DENISONJEWETT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1924
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 28 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Beaconsfield
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Christine Ann MCCLYMONTJOBSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Bundaberg
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Enid Dorothy DAVIDSONJOHANSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 19 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Tamworth
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Carolyn Ruth WILLIAMSJOHN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Mt Crawford
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Faye SCHWABJOHNCOCK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1947
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Noela Fay CROSSETTJOHNS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1957
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Bundaberg
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynette Ann KINGJOHNS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1954
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Hawthorndene
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marie Claire BADRICKJOHNSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Goondiwindi
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jay FREEMANJOHNSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1944
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Newcastle
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): June Margaret HAZZLEWOODJOHNSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Karen Mary HOMESJOHNSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Tivoli, Ipswich
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Evelyn Irene SMITHJOHNSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1928
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 25 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Geelong
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Edna May CHAPMANJOHNSTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Nanga Brook
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Irene Veronica HICKEYJOHNSTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1943
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Cranbrook
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Teresa Annette VIVIANJohnstone Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1958
Polio Year: Not Known
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Healesville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan WILMOTJOHNSTONE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1954
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Glenys Emily DIMONDJOLLY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Nancy Margaret BOWDENJONES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Moonbah
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Emilynne Gertrude CAPELLIJONES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Mount Barker
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Robyn Margaret JOHNSONJONES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Bronwyn O'BRIENJONES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1959
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Berowra
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Beryl Margaret PEARSALLJONES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Beverley
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Beryl POOCKJONES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1943
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Pascoe Vale
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Nancy Ellen KELLYJORDAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Tahmoor
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Estelle Lucy PACKERJORDAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1944
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Yolla
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elaine PARRISHJOYCE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1927
Polio Year: 1936
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Carlton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Coral Vailma KINROSSJUDGE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1925
Polio Year: 1935
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Kalgoorlie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Reinet BELNICKKABRUN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: South Africa – Klerksdorp
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Gwendoline Jean FORDKAHANSKY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Carlton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lorna Violet HARMKAPPLER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1930
Polio Year: 1939
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – South Australia
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Sophia BRIGGSKARLIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Greece –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Ann DUNGANKAY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Concord West
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Maureen Rosemary KINGSTONKELLEHER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Haberfield
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Anne Elizabeth BROWNKELLY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Perth
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Eileen MURRAYKELLY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Albert Park
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Sylvia Lorraine THREADGOLDKELLY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Glenelg
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Karen WILLOUGHBYKELLY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Warrnambool
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janneen Veronica WISHARTKELLY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Naracoorte
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lurline Frances BENNYKENDALL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Orange
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Gwendy EDWARDSKENNEDY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: China –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynette HOWELLKENNEDY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Fitzroy North
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Colleen Margaret KENNEDY-REMYNKENNEDY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Trafalgar
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Carmel Therese YOUNGKENNEDY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Nunawading
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynette Pamela GLOVERKENNELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1953
Polio Year: 1958
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Heidelberg West
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynette Dawn ARMSTRONGKENNER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Magill
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Pauline WICHEKENNY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Glendale
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Diana Mary CHAMBERSKENT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Caulfield South
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Glenda Maree MORRISONKENT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1953
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Bentleigh
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Alma Joyce CLEMENTSKERRISON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 14 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Glengarry
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elaine Helen MILESKEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1947
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Canterbury
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kimbalee Elizabeth APPSKEYVAR Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1971
Polio Year: 1973
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Willoughby
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Roberta Joy THORNKIDD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Harvey
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Valmai WORKKILMARTIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Murray Bridge
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Penelope MCINNESKILMISTER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1954
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Africa – Malvern Natal
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Chloe Kennedy ROEKING Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 19 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Newtown, Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley TAYLORKING Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1953
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Needilup
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Christina Ann HOWARDKINGSHOTT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Wilmot
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Edwina TOWNSENDKIRKPATRICK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Liverpool
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rouvray Anne BOOCOCKKIRTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Nagambie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jennifer Evelyn SHAWKIRWOOD-JONES Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Shepparton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan ROBERTSKITCHEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1936
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Audrey May JAENSCHKLEINIG Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Nuriootpa
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Gillian BAHRKLINGE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 16 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Albury
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Connie Johanna HODSONKLUNDER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Bonegilla Migrant Camp
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Mary JOBKNIGHT-MCCREADIE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1927
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 26 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Cambridge
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Eileen Gladys KLAEBEKOCHEL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 22 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Waikerie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Irmgard KYSELAKOGLER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1958
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 16 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Lobethal
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Beverly FOUNTAINKOOK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Grafton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Wendy May CHALKERKORN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Tumut
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Wendy Alvina CREWKOTZ Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Stone Hut
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Audrey PHILLIPS KRAATZ Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Tallegalla
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley GLANCEKRAUSE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Carlton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Bernice Shelly GODINKROOMER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1944
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: South Africa –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Helen May KINGKUMM Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Broken Hill
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lila Margaret BENNETTKYDD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Scotland – Menmuir, Angus
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Dawn BARTONLAING Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Warradale
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rosemary Georgina Ruth OATESLAING Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Longreach
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Pearl KENNYLAIRD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Bowraville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia FIDLERLAMBERT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1957
Polio Year: 1959
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: England –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Anne WOODCOCKLAMBERT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Abbotsford
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Narelle APPLETONLANE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1960
Polio Year: 1961
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Malaysia –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Eva Louise HOGANLANE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1933
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Punchbowl, Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Susan Jean ELLISLANG Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1954
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Greenacre
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valerie KEMPLANG Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Deanne Elizabeth GILLLANGFORD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Lismore
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley Ann LANGFORD-WILSONLANGFORD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 15 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Guildford, Surrey
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elizabeth Kay STAFFORDLANGMEAD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Renmark
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Diane Frances BRODERICKLARACY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Scarborough
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Melba May HAGUELARCOMBE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 16 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Salisbury
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Edith BELLLAST Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Royal Park
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Julie WADELAUER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sans Souci
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Enid Maureen BROWNLAUNER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Appila
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Tania FORSTERLAUTERBACH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1963
Polio Year: 1963
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Derrimut
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Alba FERFOLJALAVARINI Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Ingham
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Sandra Ruth LUKELAWRENCE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Peakhurst
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Vivien ARENDARCIKAS-LAWSONLAWSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Northern Rhodesia –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Ravy LEANG-SLATTERYLEANG Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1982
Polio Year: 1983
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Cambodia –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Marie Elizabeth CAINLEE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1919
Polio Year: 1947
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 28 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Telegraph Point
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judy Jan CLOSELEE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: New Zealand – Christchurch
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kil Soo NGLEE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: South Korea – Busan
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joyce Margaret POPELEE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1927
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 27 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Caringbah
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elizabeth Sylvia SYKESLEE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Kensington
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Karen Joy HOWARDLEGG (RAMBOW) Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jessie Morrison MCKAYLEONARD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1943
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Scotland – Glasgow
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Frances Elizabeth HENKELETCH KELLY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Yarram
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Carmela LEVY-STOKESLEVY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – South Plympton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Diane Margaret SCHIPPLEWIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1953
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Camperdown
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Frances Elizabeth WILLMOTTLEWIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Geelong
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Alexis Diane LIGHTLIDDELOW Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Joondanna
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Heather Margaret MACKENZIELIERSCH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1944
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Minyip
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley Lorraine WOOLMORELIGHTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1947
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – St Kilda
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Alice Marietza LINDSAYLINDSAY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Benalla
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Catherine Mary O'LOUGHLINLINEEN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1953
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Colac
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Radza CHENOWETHLINGAM Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Malaysia –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Susanne Margaret HANN LITTLE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia Australia – South Australia
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Susan Patricia WILSONLITTLE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Pascoe Vale
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jennifer BONNEYLIVERMORE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Wahroonga
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan FIELDLOCHRAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Belmont North
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dawn Lillian RAMA RAULOCK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Carlton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Helen Regis VAN DOORNLOCKE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Campsie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Susan Margaret WUESTLOCKE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Applecross
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Faye Natalie WHEELERLOCKWOOD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1930
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Caulfield, Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Clare MARTINLONARD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 14 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – North Haven
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dianne Kay WARDLORENZ Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Helen ANDERSONLOVEDAY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Ashfield
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dawn Frances BANKSLOVELACE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Terry Hills, Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Annette Frances Dubos DUBOSLOVELL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Leichhardt
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Iris Pearl NEVINLOW Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1924
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 26 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Southport
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rebecca Christina June ROUNDLUCAS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1930
Polio Year: 1939
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Railton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Gwenda STOKESLUCAS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Murray Bridge
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dorothy Norma SEALELUKE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1934
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Katherine Anne ALEXANDERLUMSDAINE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Collaroy
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rosina CHARLWOODLUPICA Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1934
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 16 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Annandale
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley Margaret SMITHLUXTON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 15 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Mary Patricia WHELANLYNCH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Warrnambool
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kathleen DOUGLASLYND Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Ulverstone
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Nancy Shirley DONNELLYLYNN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1931
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Brunswick
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janet Mary WUNDERSITZLYON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Naracoorte
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kerry Ann MACDONALDMACDONALD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jean BUTTENSHAWMACE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: England –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Brenda Louise PALMERMACINTYRE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Canada – London, Ontario
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Pauline Joy WRIGHTMACK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Meredith Ann ANDREWSMACKENZIE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Hyde Park
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kerry Lesley CHESTERMACKENZIE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Largs Bay
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Beverley June EMBURYMACNISH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Woodville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Josephine Kathleen BIGGSMAHER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Portland
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara Anne SIMPSONMAILER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Nyngan
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Anna Maria GRACEMAK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Forster
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dianne CALDWELLMALIC Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1955
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Mildura
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kay Elizabeth LEWIS BROWNMALKIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: – Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Christine Mary KELLASMALZARD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Westbourne Park
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Betty May JACKSONMANGELSDORF Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Mypolonga
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Pauline Margaret CORRIGANMANNING Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Marulan
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janet Dorothy HARRISMANSFIELD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Gladesville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Eileen Margery CALLAGHANMAREK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1939
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Calliope
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Faith Mylene STANLEYMARINO Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1960
Polio Year: 1962
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New Zealand – Tolaga Bay, North Island
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Elizabeth Eleanor PEARSONMARKS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Magill, Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Sylvia Dawn SAMPSONMARKSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Bondi
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynne PRIEMMARSH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Atherton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rita Mary DALLYMARSHALL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 21 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Brighton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara MEERTENSMARTIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1958
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Edgware, Middlesex
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Carol Beatrice SQUIRESMARTIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Glenorchy
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joyce Thelma STEELEMARTIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Belmore
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Norberta (Norrie) STEVENSMARTINELLI Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1955
Polio Year: 1958
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Italy – Lettopalena, Chieti
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Andrea OSBORNEMARTYN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – West Wyalong
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Neata Margaret GOODMANMATHESON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Yarrawonga
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Zena Margaret GRAHAMMATHEWS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1933
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 17 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Leadville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Bethia Margaret Jean TENNYSONMATHIESON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1931
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – South Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Ruth FLETCHERMATSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New Zealand – Christchurch
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynette WEREMAY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Underdale
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Kaye Denise EDYVEANMAYMAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales Australia – Woronora River
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janet Mary HISHONMAYZE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Dalby (or Toowoomba)
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rosemary MCADAM ROBERTSMCADAM Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: England – Gillingham, Kent
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Maureen Edith MCQUILLAN MCALPINE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 09 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Broloo
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Patricia Fay HILLMCAULEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Launceston
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Winifred Faye GUMLEYMCCLURE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Harrow
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lorraine SANSONIMCDERMOTT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Kensington
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Ann JORDANMCDONALD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1938
Polio Year: 1944
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Prospect
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rae Leonne ENGELSMcDOUGALL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Lidcombe
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dulcie Jean TREVENENMCDOUGALL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1924
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Wonthaggi
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Thelma Margaret BROOKSMCELROY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1934
Polio Year: 1955
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 21 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Booborowie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Mary GREENMCENIERY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Camp Hill
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret Anne MILLERMCGINNESS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1932
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 13 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Rockdale
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Karylene HASSALLMCGORLICK Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1959
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Clayton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Shirley May RAMSAYMCGREGOR Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 14 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Murarrie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Susan Elizabeth WAUGHMCGUINESS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Punchbowl
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rosemary MORGANMCHUGH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1951
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Geelong
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret MCINERNY (TAYLOR)MCINERNY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 15 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Melbourne
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judith Anne NEWTONMCKAY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Woollahra
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janet Elizabeth JOLLEYMCKECHNIE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Essendon
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jennifer Rae PENSAMCKENZIE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Nambour Queensland
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Leonie TAYLORMCKENZIE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1948
Polio Year: 1954
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Griffith
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Noela MILLARMCKINNIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1955
Polio Year: 1960
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Colac
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Susan STEWARTMCLAURIN-SMITH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 07
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Bundanoon
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Beatrice Ann BLENNERHASSETTMCLEOD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1939
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Bairnsdale
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joyce Lillian BRUNNERMCLEOD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1941
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Graceville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Susan Jeanette MERRYMCLOUGHLIN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1949
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: At Sea –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Mary Anne BLUNTMCMAHON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1955
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Bradfield Migrant accommodation
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan Elizabeth HAYMCMAHON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Plympton Park
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joanne STEPHENSMCMANUS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Belmont, Geelong
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janet DEVLIN MCNEIL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1967
Polio Year: 1978
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria Australia –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Donna Mary HAIGHMCNEILL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Triabunna
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jillian Mary BURNMCOWAN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1948
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Ararat
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Geraldine GIBSONMCSKIMMING Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1946
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Randwick
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Colleen Ann THURGARMEALY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Port Augusta
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joycelyn (Joy) Mary KINGMEARS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1941
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Essendon
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Leonie Dolores MEDLYN-WHITEMEDLYN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 05
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Frankston
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Cheryl Ann HAFNERMEIKLEJOHN Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1958
Polio Year: 1959
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – West Stafford, Brisbane
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Doreen Maryanne SCOTTMELONI Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1954
Polio Year: Not Known
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Queensland – Townsville
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Judith Mary Jane LAUBEMENSFORTH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Enfield
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Cheryl Irene MALCOLMMERCHANT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1965
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 12 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Seven Hills
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Randa HINSONMESTOU Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1968
Polio Year: 1969
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 09
Location where Polio Contracted: Lebanon – Tripoli
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Margaret MCWILLIAMSMEUROU Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1955
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 08
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Wallerawang
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynette Margaret LILLECRAPPMICHAEL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1945
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 00 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Albury
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rhonda Meryl NAUMANNMIDDLEMIS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1954
Polio Year: 1956
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 10
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Mildura
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Raelene Joy CLIFFORD MIEGEL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1942
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Vickii Lorraine EVANSMIKOSCH Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1953
Polio Year: 1961
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Mt Beauty
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Lynne BISHOPMILLARD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1942
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Clearview
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Julie Ann Maree GORDONMILLARD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1952
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Tahara
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara Ann BLACKMILLER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1950
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Moe
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Nola BUCKMILLER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Broadford
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Betty Caroline CAMPBELLMILLER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1947
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Collie
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Beverly Dawn SMITHMILLER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1965
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 30 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Tasmania – Launceston
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Heather Joyce SOUTHCOTTMILLER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1928
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 22 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Adelaide
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Susan Lamona HOUSEMILLS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1958
Polio Year: 1961
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Western Australia – Morley
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara TUCKERMILLS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1937
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: England –
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Coralie Ann WARDMILLSTEAD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1940
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 10 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Kangarilla
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Valda Ethel POWELLMILLWARD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1935
Polio Year: 1937
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 02 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Bellbird
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Joan Lillian BRATONMINER Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Bankstown
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Dorothy SCHUNMANNMINSON Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1953
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 07 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Punchbowl
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Barbara FOLEYMINTO Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1936
Polio Year: 1952
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 16 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Leeton
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Cheryl Anetta OPRANDIMISSAL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1960
Polio Year: 1961
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 01 – 01
Location where Polio Contracted: Malaysia – Kuala Lumpur
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jan RAYSONMOFFAT Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 11 – 02
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Stirling West
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Sandra Patricia CORBYMOLL Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1943
Polio Year: 1949
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 06
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Norwood
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Anne Veronica SIMONDSMOLLOY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1933
Polio Year: 1938
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 04 – 11
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Randwick
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Julia Barbara GREENEKLEEMONKS Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1950
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: South Australia – Norwood
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Jean BRYANTMONLEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1929
Polio Year: 1932
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 03 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Armidale
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Rosalie Dawn COGGER-COLLINSMOOD Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1944
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Mayfield or Waratah public school
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Robin Jessica STRINGERMOODIE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1946
Polio Year: 1951
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 06 – 00
Location where Polio Contracted: Victoria – Nhill
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Maureen Frances TAYLORMOONEY Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1933
Polio Year: 1941
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 08 – 03
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Lane Cove, Sydney
Full Name (and Maiden Name, if applicable): Janice Mary VAN DAMMOORE Sex: Female
Birth Year: 1939
Polio Year: 1945
Age at which Polio Contracted (Years – Months): 05 – 04
Location where Polio Contracted: New South Wales – Gosford