Of the 3906 people currently recorded on the Australian Polio Register who contracted polio either in Australia or overseas, 2162 of them have provided information regarding how they heard about the Register. (Note that although the Register was established in 2010, this particular information has only been sought from those registering since October 2012.)

The charts and tables below provide a breakdown of how people heard about the Register, with data being updated as new registrations are recorded online. As can be readily seen, by far the largest number of registrations resulted from information about the Register being published in the print media, or featured in radio or television stories and/or interviews. It is apparent that, resources permitting, advertising the Register in the media will be a strong driver for registrations.


The overall pie chart and individual tables below give breakdowns of the various means by which polio survivors learnt about the Australian Polio Register.

Sources - All Polio Australia State Networks Peers or Family Media Rotary or Other

From what sources did polio survivors hear about the Australian Polio Register?