Of the 3934 polio survivors currently living in Australia who have recorded their details on the Australian Polio Register to date, 3194 of them contracted polio in this country.

The summary data on this page is derived from entries to date on the Australian Polio Register and gives an overview of when and where polio was contracted in Australia. The data is updated as new registrations giving an Australian polio location are recorded online.

Years Polio Contracted in Australia (1916 to 1994)

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Click on the images below for a more detailed look at the individual states and territories, and Australia as a whole.

Years Australia

Australian Polio – When
Derived from registrations to date, explore various charts for details of when polio was contracted in Australian states and territories.

Australian Polio

Australian Polio – Where
Derived from registrations to date, explore charts and maps for details of where polio was contracted in Australian states and territories.