The Australian Polio Register gathers information on the number of polio survivors living in Australia today, whether or not they contracted polio in this country. To date, 3921 polio survivors have added their details to the Register and this number increases daily.

World Polio
Polio Contracted - When and Where
For registrations to date, when was polio contracted? Where were people living when they contracted polio? How many contracted polio in Australia, and how many overseas?

Male and Female
Sex of Polio Survivors
For registrations to date, what is the male/female breakdown of polio survivors? Does this vary significantly if polio was contracted in Australia or overseas?

Birth Year_400x259
Birth Year Range
For registrations to date, what is the range of birth years of the polio survivors? How many polio survivors were born in each year?

Polio Age
Polio Age Range
For registrations to date, what is the range of ages at which polio was contracted? How many polio survivors contracted polio at each age?

Who Was Hospitalised
For registrations to date, how many polio survivors were hospitalised when they contracted the disease? How many weren't hospitalised? How many don't know?

Australia Polio
Survivors Now Reside
For registrations to date, in what areas of Australia are polio survivors living today? How many polio survivors live in each State or Territory?

Support Group
Peer Support Networks
For registrations to date, how many polio survivors were connected with the polio community in their state at the time they added their details to the Register?

Support Networks
How Heard About Register
For registrations to date, how did the polio survivors who have added their details first learn about the Australian Polio Register?